10 Jul 2010

Who is she?

Who is she?
I wonder
She came, she conquered
An angel with silky tongue
Flutters all the time
Her chirpy thoughts
With her unique, shy smile
Even as I lost myself
Looking deep into her
Tempting blue eyes
She kept laughing with immense joy
I wonder what prompts her
To come for me
Though, I am just a mute spectator
She gives surprising looks
As if asking me , where am I ?
She is  in a hurry always
Holding my hand with her velvet hand
She drags me to her favorite places
Explains every little thing
About whatever she likes
But, all I look at is her beauty
Her antics and her style
All I hear is her endearing voice
I feel she is living her life through me
Trying to find something, she lost
As she utters with a sigh
You are, you remind me
At end of our every conversation
And walks away towards silence
With her smile waning down
Like setting sun in the eve
Making way for inconsolable tears
That she prefers to hide from me
But I still wonder
Who is she!  

Well,don't misunderstand me! I am still wondering who is she. I saw her in a dream. Lol. 


Carrie Van Horn said...

Sometimes dreams do evoke some of our most mysterious and beautiful poems. Love this one. :-)

Nithin RS said...

Thanks. :)

Saumya said...

beautiful description of 'hers' :)

Nithin RS said...

Thanks :)

Chandrika Shubham said...

Nice dream and nice poem. :)

But I still wonder
Who is she!
I liked this line the most. :)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

nice poem, hmm i wondering too who is she ? hehehe

Nithin RS said...

Chandirka and aulawi, thanks for reading. I am still trying to figure it out, who she is ! hehe