Showing posts with label moments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moments. Show all posts

27 Feb 2019

Some Moments

Some moments bring happiness
Some moments impose pain 
Some moments are cherished 
Some moments are beginnings
Some moments are endings 
Some moments are disappointing 
Some moments define life 
Some moments change life 
Some moments captures love
Some moments captures heartbreak
Some moments captures death 
Some moments are hard to forget
Some moments are painful to remember
But those moments are here to say
Deep inside the heart forever

10 Dec 2009


It’s our day

We never know

So, let’s celebrate today to the fullest

We were in tears
Sad at the losses

The day before
We were smiling with grace
Happy about good times

Further a day back
We were laughing with joy
Reveling in success

Further a day back
We were thrashing out the anger
Frustrated about lack of breakthroughs

But today
We are thinking about those days
With nostalgia and regrets

Life is so uncertain
There is no guarantee for anything

So, let’s enjoy every moment
That we live in this world
What if, we don’t get another day
To see all these beautiful things

We always say with sigh
Past was so beautiful
There is something missing in today

Don’t forget
The moments that we live in now
These are the ones
That’s going to be the past
Why should we forget to live and
then mourn about a glorious past?
So, let’s live today as if it’s everything