15 Jul 2012

Project Management

A lifeline of a company to earn big bucks
Mining through the risks and unknown challenges

A cluster of strangers and foes
Competing and striving to excel at same time

A robotic army powered by bosses
To yell at teams to meet deadlines at any cost

A utopian distribution system
For assigning resources  for different tasks

A must have checkups to track and cure    
The progress all along the network path of projects

It’s always a daunting task
When you try to make up for the lost time

No face value for it
Once you wasted your chance

A Painful thrill to live through,
Amidst busy fixing one hitch up after another

A luxury to even dream
As every second has its price, with no returns

A mirage that keeps moving away 
While digging up turmoils under compulsion  to finish tasks 

A beautiful map to decorate the wall
When all tasks explode beyond all the controls

Dangerous  ploys to play, on every phase
To fix or steady the plans against all the odds 

A rope to wish for from nowhere
When every road seems to meet a dead end

A sour grape that can energize minds
Urging them to conquer the unthinkable heights

An empty wallet in pocket
With magical powers to create miracles   

A welcome gift from anyone
Anytime to sail the ship towards a safe shore

A podium to climb
To pour the champagne to celebrate the relief 

A poem dedicated to all sleepless , stressed individuals around the world, working hard and trying to meet the deadlines of projects!

Images Courtesy: Thanks to rightful creators!

14 Jul 2012

Cross road

Standstill at a junction
Of present
Two directions
Two outcomes
One heading towards glories of past
Other heading towards oblivion of silence
Uncertainty rules
Choice is beyond me
I have to wait
Until the war clouds drizzle down
And clear the sky
Mistakes of past haunt me
Journey towards unknown beckon me

I’ve forgotten my own soul
I am searching for my old self
Lost somewhere in ocean of quarrels
Lost my goodwill on the mountain of agony
I tried to dig it down to find plain ground
Where I lost my identity
As I wish to be recognized again
And tear apart the tag of imposter
Perceptions built on first impressions
Now stands tall in front of my own shadows
I feel dwarfed by the weight of my own image
I razed scars with my words
Now I wish to heal them with compassion

I seek forgiveness
But my lost identity
Blocks my entry to old pathway
I stare at the barren new path
As time ticks down
But I wish for a new path
For a new start
Straight from the past
Without the murmurs of discontent
Without the suspicion of another breakdown
With a belief of harmony

 Images courtesy :thanks to rightful creators!