16 Nov 2021



A window of hope

Closed with barbed wires 

At the border of Belarus and Poland

Thousands of refugees 

Caught in between the politics of Europe

While they chose a hard journey

To reach this far

Away from the miseries in their homelands

They dream about a better life in Europe

They're now stuck in the forest in Belarus

Waiting for an opportunity to cross the border

Even as the armed men trying to close all openings

On the Polish side

Some are lucky as they crossed the border

But their future is still uncertain 

They could be deported back to their countries

As the winter embraced the landscape

People are desperate to cross the border

While surviving with whatever given by NGOs

The burning of woods remain the only source of heat

People lie close to each other with blankets

To beat the cold while awaiting their opportunity

To cross the border 

#Border #Poland #Belarus #EuropeanUnion #Europe

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