8 Jun 2011

Erratic luminous omen

Life was erratic
Disillusioned with the greed
Disoriented with the purpose
Of living, when I failed to buy time
To save my dearest soul
To catch the precious breath
To survive in this world
Though, I ran like a sprinter
On that fateful night
I might never run like that again
For anything, no matter what at stake
Though, my heart pounds harder still
With nerves wrangling tighter
When I face those deadlines
That I always shied away
Still a luminous angel
Drives me to walk again
To climb the mountains
Of tasks left to achieve
To survive
And thrive again
Like the trees growing green
Again in spring, after the fall
By raining a gritty omen
With actions of courage
Outwitting the fears
To achieve the things beyond
With an ease
Making me wonder!
Why I can’t do the same !

Surreal to Real

Barriers are crumbling down
Distances are narrowing down
Hearts are falling down
For the invisible souls
That keeps flying afar
Through the wings of the web
Sharing all the sweetest dreams
Poaching all the darkest secrets
Sourcing all the hardest exploits
Wiping all the bloody tears
Riding an adventure
Full of hope
Face to face
Voice to voice
Embrace to embrace
So real from surreal
Hours that brought together
The souls through words
Magical views on screen
Games played with fun
Fights fought with fury
Patch ups done with passion
Promises made with devotion
Altogether now looks real
While holding the hands
While looking at the eyes
Bemused without words
It’s the dawn of a relation
Cemented with love
From surreal to real 

This poem is about two people who fell in love through facebook, whom i met today on a park. Images thanks to google.

 This poem is for  oneshotwednesday . Visit there for more creations of other poets. Thanks :)