8 Jun 2010


I don’t see dreams anymore
I see only nightmares
Ever since, you left me
Alone in this world
I am scared to lie on bed
Unless I am that sleepy
As all I think is about you
When I lay alone
As you was my only support
I wasn’t able to sleep many a days
As your memories refused me to get away
And left me in tears
Felt guilty that, I wasn’t able to save you
As you closed your eyes, for the last time
After gasping for the last breath of air
In a desperate attempt to survive
But shores of safety of hospital
Was little too far
By the time, I got a vehicle to take you there
You left me for a new world
I saw you struggling for survival
Many a night
In different scenarios
Where I kept running
In search of avenues to save you
Never once, I succeeded
As I struggled for long,
My friend taught me meditation
Somehow, I caught some sleep there after
Every night
Then trained myself to tire my soul
To get good sleep
But once in a while
I wake up shocked
Seeing another nightmare 


Joy Leftow said...

always sad when we're left

Nithin RS said...

you are right.Thanks for your comment.