26 Jul 2012


“Life is too short,
 It’s easy to hide in the cellars of revenge,
Raring to bruise with armors to spit fire
And spill the soil with blood of the fallen
 it’s easy to avoid the flags raised for peace,
 Today, you have the right, as you are hurt
Tomorrow, who knows,
The very thought of agony may be worthless,
When the very enemy you fight within
Stop existing in this world
That will be your time,your success
Victorious moments for your pride
You enjoy it, until you lose the adrenaline
Your enemy may go bust towards eternity,
Miles away from your vision,
Miles away from your silence and roars
And you may never get to see again,
Then the rivalry, the agony, the feeling of revenge,
 It will all become vogue,
 Like a pile of damaged currency notes,
with no value to serve anyone
With the conquered patches of parched territories
laying bare to tell the tales of sorrow
You can rest for a while
Until another ruthless mercenary rise
To challenge you to the brink "

Images : Thanks to rightful creators 


Song sung by a chorus of benumb heartS
Intended for the drivers in a savage safarI
Lost in an alley of false pride and hardselL
Expressed to be heard aloud amidst noisE
Nips of misery, blazing tall with convictioN
Challenges the rival to address the arseniC
Emerged from bruises of emotional carnagE

Images : Thanks to rightful creators.