Showing posts with label free-verse poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free-verse poetry. Show all posts

29 Jul 2011


Running briskly
With perspiring senses
Wildly beating heart
Checking the watch every other moment
To see how much time lost already
To calculate possible reaching time
To raise the speed
And to prepare for an abrupt entrance

There is a big price to pay
For getting late
A risk
As you stand to lose out
The savory moments upfront
Amongst the settled audience
Engaged fluidly up to the occasion

Then the door cracks up
Breaking the silence of even the noise
Making heads to turn around for a glimpse
To see the distracting latecomer
With countless eyes sprinkling spotlights
Walking past the aisle
Becomes nervy like on a ramp

Nodding the sorry with the eyes
And the bowing head
Whispering the excuse
From the shell of a sorry figure
Without any idea about the scenario
That persisted there

A messy catch up work remains
To be done, to get on level terms
With all those present there
With short enquiries for briefings
Fighting against the time  
To make up for the lost time
Before gelling into the zone
With the ease in breathe 

Scary, if there is scolding
Funny, if there is mocking
Light hearted banter for folks
There is always an awkward moment
Awaiting the late comer

Images: Thanks to rightful owners

24 Jul 2011

The Fiddle Player

On the corner of a bustling city centre
He stood,
Another tough day to conquer
At the mercy of strangers
Walking past the street
He played his fiddle
Emitting the heavenly aura
With the sweetness of his music
Some people stood there to listen
Some sat on the benches and engaged
In the rhythm of his solemn creativity
He played song after song
Changing the mood with each beat
A talented musician plying his art
On the street, to earn bread
Some acknowledged his efforts
And threw some pence in his fiddle cover
He wasn’t looking at the money
He just played the music
Until he got tired
I hope, one day his luck may turn golden
As his music has a soul of honesty and hope
May be, one well-wisher will give him a big break
To play his fiddle amidst the symphony than on street

There are so many talented musicians who play their music on streets just for pennies.They play simple but heartening music, without any show offs.  Images : Thanks to rightful owners

23 Jul 2011


" every rose blooms,
 spreads fragrance, 
spreads smile, 
carries the love,
 dazzles in mist, 
becomes mystic in drizzle,
 then dulls down with the sun,
 bidding adieu to the world, 
but rose still catches imagination,
 making us love its successors,
 just as it,
 with the charm"

Images : Thanks to the rightful owners

8 Jun 2011

Erratic luminous omen

Life was erratic
Disillusioned with the greed
Disoriented with the purpose
Of living, when I failed to buy time
To save my dearest soul
To catch the precious breath
To survive in this world
Though, I ran like a sprinter
On that fateful night
I might never run like that again
For anything, no matter what at stake
Though, my heart pounds harder still
With nerves wrangling tighter
When I face those deadlines
That I always shied away
Still a luminous angel
Drives me to walk again
To climb the mountains
Of tasks left to achieve
To survive
And thrive again
Like the trees growing green
Again in spring, after the fall
By raining a gritty omen
With actions of courage
Outwitting the fears
To achieve the things beyond
With an ease
Making me wonder!
Why I can’t do the same !

Surreal to Real

Barriers are crumbling down
Distances are narrowing down
Hearts are falling down
For the invisible souls
That keeps flying afar
Through the wings of the web
Sharing all the sweetest dreams
Poaching all the darkest secrets
Sourcing all the hardest exploits
Wiping all the bloody tears
Riding an adventure
Full of hope
Face to face
Voice to voice
Embrace to embrace
So real from surreal
Hours that brought together
The souls through words
Magical views on screen
Games played with fun
Fights fought with fury
Patch ups done with passion
Promises made with devotion
Altogether now looks real
While holding the hands
While looking at the eyes
Bemused without words
It’s the dawn of a relation
Cemented with love
From surreal to real 

This poem is about two people who fell in love through facebook, whom i met today on a park. Images thanks to google.

 This poem is for  oneshotwednesday . Visit there for more creations of other poets. Thanks :)

15 May 2011

Dusk of Contrast

Entangled green bushes
With no leaves to wave
Arched with flower bud
Waiting to break free
When the sunshine giggles
To see an unseen world
To explore the magic of nature
To receive the love from unknown
As the bloomed flowers
Spreading the magic of red
Amidst the creepy green layers
Like spots of limitless joy
On the faces of kids in a crowd
Reluctant to say goodbye
To the glow less setting sun
Shaded by the orange clouds
And the light-dark sky
As they don’t know
If they will have another day
To wave along with the wind
While enjoying the sunshine

Inspired by picture taken by Fee Easton. Option 1.Written for  one-stop,challenge time . Visit to explore other poets expressions! Thanks Image from Unsplash. 

14 May 2011

River Usk

A stream with unpredictable flow
Moving in opposite directions
Depending upon the tide in the sea
Slim and calm at times
Exposes its bare muddy skin beneath
Storage of balls, cycles, bottles, and junks

Many people had their stuffs falling by chance
And just watched them moving away
As it was risky to retrieve

With the thick mud acting as hindrance
Boats stacks up in mud here and there
Away from its dock
It reminds me of lost boats in deserts
They get back to the shore
When water rises again

At night it flows in its full glory
With big belly burgeoned by tides
Glamorized by the lights on the shore
I try to see, which direction it is flowing
Every other day, before crossing the bridge
Sometimes, I just look at its silence
Through the big windows at university

Sometimes I sit on the bench
On the walkway, just to feel the wind
And to listen to the heart of the river
It’s peaceful to sit and read at night
Underneath the streetlight
With the river giving a nice company
Along with the freezy wind and stars 
I have found a friend in this lazy and frenzy river

Images: Thanks to google images & various websites.

19 Feb 2011


I am moving to a new shore
I have left a piece of my heart
At your door
Without knocking, like a trespasser
I hope you will open the door
I wonder if you will see it
It holds a piece of my dreams
Which I wished to share with you
It still carries the urn of my feelings
That I never expressed
I wished to conquer your heart
Silently, with a feather touch of emotions
Now, you are beyond my reach
As you have found your destiny
I wish to hold your smile
In my eyes forever as a precious gift
I still hear your voice, when I am alone
Through the realms of my ears
I don’t wish to see tears or fury
In your eyes
As I love it to remain vibrant
So, I won’t leave any words
That might hurt your beliefs
Though I wish to let you know
I’ve fallen for you
Right when I saw your eyes greeting me

Please visit  thursdaypoetsrallypoetry for other poets works. Thanks :) Image from Unsplash. 

3 Feb 2011

Dreaming to dream

I am day dreaming to dream
In this lazy afternoon
As I am getting bored
Waiting for the rain
It’s teasing me,
But hiding somewhere

Take me to Dubai’s islands
I wish to sail in those canals
To see the marvels
Weaved on the laps of sand 

Take me to "Theatre of Dreams"
I wish to sit at the Stretford end
Let me sing, “Glory glory man united”
While watching red-devils play liverpool

I’m getting deluded
I wish to travel in magnetic roads
I’m fed up with the gutters here
I want to ride rotor-less bikes
It will be sliding over magnetic fields
Like good old, Santa Claus’s deer sledge

I am sleepy
But where is my lullaby
Angels please take me to your heaven of dreams
I wish to hear you sing
“Baby sleep like an innocent cat”,

                                               Images thanks to google. :)

2 Feb 2011

Message for my dad

You taught me to read
Think, talk, and debate
And fight for my cause
You showed me the path
With your life
Now I am trying to follow you
You always aimed high
Fighting all the odds
You let me to fall
You let me to rise again
I’m still falling and rising
Learning to stand up finally
On my own, without you
You took me to the sky
How will I repay you,
for your faith in me? I wonder!
As I struggle to convince many
About my wishes
Though it’s been there all life
Only you would have supported me
As you always believed in me
Even when I faltered relentlessly
I wish you were around
As I wait for my big break
I wish for your blessing
Your words still drive me
To keep trying to reach
Where you hoped me to be 

1 Feb 2011


I am a wild horse
Still raw and untamed
I was on exile
In the wilderness of life
I waited on for years
To find my way back to the road
I had lost my way
When I failed in my tasks

I travelled through the wild routes
To build a stable for myself
But, wild-fires of my anger
Burnt the basements
Whenever I tried to rise
As I never was calm and forgiving
I ran away in agony towards new shores
Than trying to fix my stables
Now, I realize I reached nowhere
I have to build from the scratch again

This grassland is enticing
I wish to settle down
Pursuing my dreams
Far away from the expectations
Far away from the mad rush world
Taking a rebirth to be civilized again

Images Thanks to Google.

31 Jan 2011


Silence is like a pretty princess,
It lets the imagination
To paint colorful images on air
It lets the heart
To weave dreams on a sunny day
It makes the mind
To fear about night mares
The mystery behind it is its jewel
It is painful or delicious,
Depending upon outcomes,
The wait for breaking a silence,
It is agonizing,
Once it's done, it gives a relief 
Silence is a way of life
To convey liking or displeasure
In the most powerful manner
Without uttering a single word
Yet reaches out to the heart
With a sharp touch 

29 Jan 2011


A day without thoughts
It’s like living in coma
Dead but alive
With heart beats

Living in a world of darkness
Where there is no sensation
No cheers, no tears
No agony, no joy
Just a relief

Stranded somewhere in vacuum
Lying idle on the bed of frozen time
Waiting for the salvation in heaven
As those moments are tempting
Rarely someone walked back
To the life from there alive
As it’s the cliff of quitters

A day without dreams
It’s like fishing in desert
With Just sand to catch
Facing the harsh reality

Sometimes it’s better
To swim through the thoughts
Foresee the things ahead
Plan properly to tackle
Possible bottlenecks

It might look so pessimistic
Experience tells me otherwise
There are no safe paths to travel
You have to punt every now and then
On an unknown path to reach destiny
Thoughts are intuitive twin-soul
That makes individuals distinct
Hold on to it or else
Just be a robot

Visit onestoppoetry for more one shot creations. Thanks :)   Images Thanks to Google. 

27 Jan 2011


The layout in the hand of an adventurer
Had an end with a symbol
There was no further path to look
Nor any mention of the spot
He walked through the snow
Clutching his gears for grip
Fighting against the freezing storm
He walked through the cluster of trees
That hardly had any leaves
He saw the big symbol hanging from height
He kept walking faster with a quest
To conquer the precious treasure
Before the owners come for it
As he had stolen their layout at a pub
But even as he covered huge distance
He didn’t find any trace of hanging symbol
Then he realized that it’s in scripted on snow
On the hill which holds the threat of an avalanche
May be with some wooden blocks or plastic
He wondered if it is just showing the direction
But instincts nodded him to climb the hill
Without fearing the backlash of an avalanche
He reached the spot and dug anxiously
Anticipating something rich and exquisite
But to his agony, he found the frozen bodies
Of late adventurers
Before he could turn around and slide
The hungry avalanche captured him with its fists
Burying him under the warning symbol
Set by those who survived to caution adventurers

This is written on Mag 50magpietales . Visit and enjoy others writings. Thanks. :)

Dream Road

I dreamed about a road
Carved through the chest of a hill
Connecting an isolated neighborhood
To the bridge across a small river
I dreamed about colorful buses
Running through that steep road
To the courtyard of the church atop the hill
While walking through that small path
In which hardly a person can walk
Now vehicles ply over a road
Just as I dreamed as a child
There are no taxes to dream
If it comes true, it isn’t a miracle
It’s destiny! 

Images thanks to Google. 

19 Jan 2011

Languages Signs Symbols

On the street, bus, train or flight
We see hundreds of strangers,
who speak unknown languages!
They try to ask for directions,
Queries about place and shops
Or about stuffs they wish to buy
With signs, symbols, actions
And the words they know
They try to convey their thoughts
Hoping that we will understand
Then they eagerly wait for our reply
Tries hard to grasp what we say
However, they might not have any clue
About what we say
With a smile, they greet us, thanks
Even if our efforts couldn’t help them
If we know their language
They seek our help to convey their thoughts
To the ones they wish to interact
As a translator
It’s always hard to travel to an unknown land
With unknown language and culture
As even gestures can have different meaning
But I find people courageous
When they try to defy the barriers of language
To get where they wish and do what they want

 I wrote this poem to participate in poetrypotluck and  oneshotpoetry  . Visit there to read amazing poems written by numerous poets. Thanks. Images courtesy respective sites.