Who is “Mr. He He"
Yeah nobody, I know
Let’s find out who is “Mr. He He"
My friend was mobbed by proposals
From the guys who liked her a lot
She had to find a way-out,
She said she has a boy friend
But no one knew, it’s imaginary
So curious guys asked her his name
She said, it’s “Mr. He He"
Yeah, it sounds weird n funny
“Mr. He He"
He is a mystery
“Mr. He He"
He is adorable
“Mr. He He"
He is enviable
But still, who is “Mr. He He"
So every one got surprised
Who is “Mr. He He”
No body has heard about “Mr. He He”
They asked her to introduce him
As they were not ready to believe it
She got in a fix
She had an idea
She told them that he is one among them
And they kept guessing
Checking out all the probable matches
Naming one guy after another
While they were busy finding out who it was
Somebody conquered her heart
Truly he was mysterious
Everyone knew him
Though she shared lighter moments with him
In public, nobody suspected him
Even as she built her castles of love
And laughed with her “Mr He He”
About their secret love story
This is a song i tried to write for my online sister kavita,who made beautiful posters of my poetry. It didn't turn out that way.Neverthless,this is a sweet little present for her.