This is anthology of poems of Nithin RS. This poetry blog has more than 400 poems ranging over two decades. I started writing poems in 1998. I wish to tell tiny tales through my poems. I welcome you to my poetry world :)
13 Mar 2022
12 Mar 2022
Abandoned Quarry
The graveyard of a hill
Bared bones of an ecosystem
Ripped apart of its soul
By machines that extracted granite
The contractors took away
As much granite as possible
Until they couldn't make any more money
Bereft of rocks
Deep trenches emerge
With full of water reminiscent of green
Like a cluster of ponds
But the water was unsafe to drink
With remnants of chemicals
Unsafe to dive and swim
As it is deeper than it looks
After years of solitude
Nature absorbed the land
Back to its fold
With shrubs and trees
Providing a canopy of green
When the water became safe
Locals deposited fishes
They thrived in those ponds
Birds came back and set up nests
On the trees
The air had a new fragrance
The visual treat lure people
To experience the miracle of nature
Image credits to Gulfy Photography