31 Jan 2011


Between your heart and mine
The bridge is trembling as if it will rupture
Dark clouds have blinded the vision
And, I’ve lost my direction
The vibes say, I need to stay calm
Daylight will come with new ideas
When the path is clear
The journey becomes easy; I doubt it!
Night is always a dangerous ally
Is  it trustworthy? I never found so!
Beginning of the end, or a new start
To me, it’s a new lesson to grasp
Lowering my ambitions is never an option
Comes with it, serious trouble
A path to discover towards safety
Pause or move forward with grit
In the opposite side, there is a cavalry
The fiercest opponents ready to strike
Day’s so long and so humid
Occupations never keep me satisfied
That, my wish is to conquer your heart
Is there any arrow left in my armor? No!
Known paths are all blocked
As my every move is well anticipated
The brave heart in the
Children’s stories will succeed in the last
Hour, that’s fantasy! But, reality bites.

Written based on the prompt,"Between the dark and the daylight, When the night is beginning to lower, Comes a pause in the day’s occupations, That is known as the Children’s Hour" @  carryontuesdayprompt . Please visit and read others' writings. Thanks. Images thanks to Pixabay


Silence is like a pretty princess,
It lets the imagination
To paint colorful images on air
It lets the heart
To weave dreams on a sunny day
It makes the mind
To fear about night mares
The mystery behind it is its jewel
It is painful or delicious,
Depending upon outcomes,
The wait for breaking a silence,
It is agonizing,
Once it's done, it gives a relief 
Silence is a way of life
To convey liking or displeasure
In the most powerful manner
Without uttering a single word
Yet reaches out to the heart
With a sharp touch 

29 Jan 2011


I swam through a river
Lazily, in search of an ocean
Lustily, in search of a new life
Under the clouds of imagination
Sowing dreams on the bed of tides  
Idiotically, without knowing the length  
Of the waters, until I saw the unending hills   
Nesting the crater from the eyes of outer-world

   Written on prompt "Illusion" @ writersisland . Images: Thanks to google.


A day without thoughts
It’s like living in coma
Dead but alive
With heart beats

Living in a world of darkness
Where there is no sensation
No cheers, no tears
No agony, no joy
Just a relief

Stranded somewhere in vacuum
Lying idle on the bed of frozen time
Waiting for the salvation in heaven
As those moments are tempting
Rarely someone walked back
To the life from there alive
As it’s the cliff of quitters

A day without dreams
It’s like fishing in desert
With Just sand to catch
Facing the harsh reality

Sometimes it’s better
To swim through the thoughts
Foresee the things ahead
Plan properly to tackle
Possible bottlenecks

It might look so pessimistic
Experience tells me otherwise
There are no safe paths to travel
You have to punt every now and then
On an unknown path to reach destiny
Thoughts are intuitive twin-soul
That makes individuals distinct
Hold on to it or else
Just be a robot

Visit onestoppoetry for more one shot creations. Thanks :)   Images Thanks to Google. 

27 Jan 2011


The layout in the hand of an adventurer
Had an end with a symbol
There was no further path to look
Nor any mention of the spot
He walked through the snow
Clutching his gears for grip
Fighting against the freezing storm
He walked through the cluster of trees
That hardly had any leaves
He saw the big symbol hanging from height
He kept walking faster with a quest
To conquer the precious treasure
Before the owners come for it
As he had stolen their layout at a pub
But even as he covered huge distance
He didn’t find any trace of hanging symbol
Then he realized that it’s in scripted on snow
On the hill which holds the threat of an avalanche
May be with some wooden blocks or plastic
He wondered if it is just showing the direction
But instincts nodded him to climb the hill
Without fearing the backlash of an avalanche
He reached the spot and dug anxiously
Anticipating something rich and exquisite
But to his agony, he found the frozen bodies
Of late adventurers
Before he could turn around and slide
The hungry avalanche captured him with its fists
Burying him under the warning symbol
Set by those who survived to caution adventurers

This is written on Mag 50magpietales . Visit and enjoy others writings. Thanks. :)