24 Jul 2010

Infamous Gene Limerick

An infamous author named Gene
was more cared about exciting his readers
He wrote obscene to thrill
Those who are romantic
It isn’t a crime to to be an erotic writer.

Well, i am fascinated by the style of limericks. This is my first attempt to crack this format. My source of inspiration is mad kane humor blog . 

23 Jul 2010


They talks about an n-dimensional world
They lives inside a cage of blissful illusion
They claim about achieving elusive peace
Inhaling their miraculous puffs of smoke
Or injecting soul twisting venom on veins
That they consider as the heavenly solution
To jump down from the cliff of life’s troubles
To fly away from the tip of depressing failures
They seek the den of exquisite darkness to hide
As it looks impervious through their clouded eyes
They build secret kingdoms of enchanting silence
Then scouts for preys to strengthen their dynasty
Sells the bait of a world unknown to the hapless
The clone of a mythical heaven rooted on earth
Those who fall for this lust will remain as victim
Until someone, sprinkle the refining rays of hope
To rescue them from the clutches of this fatal evil

I am late. However, I wrote this poem to participate in three word Wednesday blog carnival . I simply loved this concept. The three words for this edition are bait, jump, & victim. Visit to check other entries. Thanks J