19 Jan 2011

Languages Signs Symbols

On the street, bus, train or flight
We see hundreds of strangers,
who speak unknown languages!
They try to ask for directions,
Queries about place and shops
Or about stuffs they wish to buy
With signs, symbols, actions
And the words they know
They try to convey their thoughts
Hoping that we will understand
Then they eagerly wait for our reply
Tries hard to grasp what we say
However, they might not have any clue
About what we say
With a smile, they greet us, thanks
Even if our efforts couldn’t help them
If we know their language
They seek our help to convey their thoughts
To the ones they wish to interact
As a translator
It’s always hard to travel to an unknown land
With unknown language and culture
As even gestures can have different meaning
But I find people courageous
When they try to defy the barriers of language
To get where they wish and do what they want

 I wrote this poem to participate in poetrypotluck and  oneshotpoetry  . Visit there to read amazing poems written by numerous poets. Thanks. Images courtesy respective sites.

11 Jan 2011


Abandoned paddy fields are aplenty in Kerala
Barren or marshy, waits for fresh lease of life
Unused, but still a haven for the greenery
Nurturing the unwanted plants and pests  
Drenched in rain, they look like a carpet
Acts as the granary for animals and birds
Nursery for small fishes to swim around
Cultivation can help in food security, but  
Expects death calls from greedy realtors 

This poem is written on the prompt "Abundance" in Blog carnival onesingleimpression . Please visit there to read other poets creations. Thanks.