3 Jan 2012

Idyllic Path

This is my path
For my soul searching journey
Pristine stream without ripples
Standing still like a lively canvas
For the reflections of trees aside
I can see the hidden sky
Through the lenses of the morning fog
The reflections look like a green curtain
To shy away the sunshine
The stream in its silence
Tells the story of its love for its surrounding
As they embrace the solemn peace
The zig-zag path goes hidden
While immersing itself in the fog
I saw an abandoned tent
I feel I can rest for a while in it
While burning the logs around
For some heat
And, listen to the silence of nature
May be I can grab some peace
For my beleaguered heart
Confused and smitten by emptiness
Enduring the pain of a lost soul
I hope this path will take me there
Where I can see my lost soul again
In peace and warmth
Forgiving and realizing each other
Once again

Image courtesy: Magpie tales. Please visit magpietales98 to read other writers creations. Thanks.


Endless voyage leading one to nowherE
Muddling the mind like a shrewd worM
Playing the tunes of poignance in a looP  
Tiring the senses with hot rains of guilT
Irking the feeling of loneliness like chillI   
Nesting the darkness as a soulless EdeN  
Embracing the tears as a shelter of frailE
Silencing the soul with frozen emotionS
Surrendering the love of life to thoughtS

Images courtsey: ravsworld , greek viking & Adlan