25 Aug 2010


Earning a degree
Defines the status
Underlines the potential
Casts as qualified
Although ill equipped
To face life
Industry need skilled
Our system creates
Naïve ambitious muggers

This is written on prompt# 10 'Education'  in acrosticonly blog carnival. Images thanks to : image.shutterstock  &  tristategeneralstore .

Event mis-Management

So, it’s going to be another crazy rush
Little time left to organize everything around
Done, nobody have any idea to fix this mess
So, it seems there will be huge bills to settle
Much of the chairs are crushed, so is the stage
To greet guests, there is a mad elephant waiting
Do nothing; the whole buffet is lying scattered 

This is written on prompt # "So little done so much to do" - last words of Cecil John. Please visit carryontuesdayprompt blog carnival to read others writings. Thanks :)  Image courtesy : s.ytimg .

24 Aug 2010

Prank : Rakhi

A new office girl was irritated by the
Flirting and comments from her colleagues
Her friends arranged a party
She lured guys with love to the party   
Shocked them by tying rakhi’s in hands at party 

Visit oneshotpoetry to check out other writers creations. Thanks :)

*If a girl tie Rakhi on guy's hand , from then on she will consider him as brother.He is expected to treat her as sister and care her.Generally, girls tie rakhi on the hands of their brothers or those whom they consider as brothers. Images courtesy : thanks to  millionface  & gingerchai .


River of love between sisters and brothers
Are strengthened by a dam of divine knot
Keyed to the hands of brothers by sisters
Humble brothers swear to protect them always
Intimately, they gifts sisters for their prayers and love 

Today its Rakhi. This is my gift  to all those sisters who consider me as brother. Prompt#7 in  acrosticonly . Image courtesy : Thanks to greetings.webdunia & coolorkutscraps .

23 Aug 2010


Pile of thoughts nailed me in a wily looP
Egged me towards my forgotten desirE
Naïve heart chased a blind redemptioN
Settled for small wishes and silly glorieS
Instead of challenging the waves of alibI
Voices of emotions urged me to be a leV
Ending the era of losses towards ablazE

*Lev : Yiddish name meaning lion.*Alibi : regrets 
This poem is written on prompt # "pensive" for participating in the onesingleimpression blog carnival. Please visit to read other writer's works. Thanks :) Images courtesy : fc00.deviantart & an-cat-dubh