17 Mar 2022

A Bit Of Afternoon Rain

A bit of afternoon rain 
In a summer of funereal thoughts 
Drenching the soul with a new rosiness
Quenching the thirst of grains of trance 

When tomorrow comes 
The sprouts will emerge from darkness
Raising the flags of aspirations upwards 
Burying the demons of awe downwards 

The message from heart 
Is no more coos, it is louder than floods 
Extruding in the canvas of vivid colours
Exalting the bliss of liberty from worries

A poem based on word prompts from #FromOneLine #vssnature #poem #moonmystic #reevesroses #poetry #BraveWrite #1LineWed #vss365
#PoemADay Image from Pixabay

Eternal Lover

A chart of his maiden cruise journey

A  visit to countries in his bucket list

With a fem-droid designed for him

A beauty from the shores of Japan

She is going to fill his loneliness

She is going to spill his emptiness

She’s going to be his crime partner

She is programmed as per his wishes

She will express all human emotions

She will react to his emotional swings

He has coded his fantasies in her chip

All that he wished for someone else

He texted a message jubilantly

No, I am unfinished without you,not

I got a better version of you forever

An eternal lover who won’t change

With time !

A poem based on word prompts from

#BraveWrite #loveletters #crowstales

Image from AIST

15 Mar 2022

I Gave Her


A poem based on word prompts from #vsspoem #loveletters
Image from Unsplash 


 I am lost in vivid memories of winter

mornings in Birmingham, I used to

remain awake to hear your husky voice

All that sweet things you had in mind

I was intoxicated by your innocent love

It was cold outside and I was freezing

The distance between us was bridged

By Farmville game, texts, and our calls

You sold me dreams and wishes, With

your rosemary promises in those calls

It didn't bloom when I returned home

And came to your city to be with you

As you chose to move to hometown

With a man from a matrimonial portal

Fulfilling all the dreams of your family 

A poem based on word prompts from #BraveWrite #CrowCalls #ReevesRoses #moonmystic Image from TogetherV