15 May 2011


Emblem of momentous hopes to outgrow
Xeric past with glittering glory and tears
Historic opportunity unveiled to
Illustrate the never-ending desire  
Baptized by the forgone brave red hearts
Industrious and flamboyant with their talents
Tantalized the heartbeats of opponents defence
In their quest to be the winners, sweating all their efforts
On a mission to thrill the legion of followers with magic on ball
Narrating a new chapter to the folklore of red devils for the future 

Exhibition of arrogance will spur the rivals!Just as Chants of Munich still  hurts! I hope the dreams of Busy Babes will be fulfilled by generations of red devils with humility! 

Written on Prompt 168: Exhibition   @ onesingleimpression . Images: Thanks to google images.

Dusk of Contrast

Entangled green bushes
With no leaves to wave
Arched with flower bud
Waiting to break free
When the sunshine giggles
To see an unseen world
To explore the magic of nature
To receive the love from unknown
As the bloomed flowers
Spreading the magic of red
Amidst the creepy green layers
Like spots of limitless joy
On the faces of kids in a crowd
Reluctant to say goodbye
To the glow less setting sun
Shaded by the orange clouds
And the light-dark sky
As they don’t know
If they will have another day
To wave along with the wind
While enjoying the sunshine

Inspired by picture taken by Fee Easton. Option 1.Written for  one-stop,challenge time . Visit to explore other poets expressions! Thanks Image from Unsplash.