3 Mar 2015

Lost Portrait

She sat on the white sands
Of a lonely, get away beach
Keeping her chin rest upon
On folded legs, she gazed
At the symphony of waves
She shared her thoughts,
With the meditating waves
She received vibe of peace
 To calm her exuberance
About a secret romance   
Naughty breeze dillydallied
With her short beach drape
While the shallow lagoon
In her backdrop, sought
Impressions of her beauty
Voyeuristic sun smiled at her
While portraying her curves
Precisely on the sand canvas
She surrendered herself to sun
For a golden tan, for a surprise
She waited for the splashy sunset
To welcome the charming moon
To lit her evening with her man


28 Oct 2013

Drowning Bridge

It stood tall for years
Slicing down the distance
Meeting the ends of two hearts
With its panels across the destiny
Sending the messengers to exchange
The news and goodwill
It grew in stature as the symbol of bonding
It saw the fondness blooming like spring
It saw the summers and winters of friendship
It saw the cajoling romance and bitterness of fights
It hoped to remain as the rope between them forever
But, one moment of madness or craziness of fate
It sank slowly, without catching fire, without screams
Silence mourned its slow drowning on one side
Noisy memories kept yelling at it to hold on other side
The remnants of that bridge remain floating
Hoping for a miraculous renaissance 

Image Couresy: Blog Carnival  Thursday Tales