22 Jul 2010


History lies beneath its height
Inching higher towards the sky
Lonely heart amidst the plains
Lets trees and rocks to flourish

Hinders the sight on the other side with a sigH
Invokes the romance amongst hearts with it's sabI
Lures the living souls towards something naturaL
Lost in the greed of humans for growing verticaL 

This is another experiment. I wonder if it came through! ‘Sabi’ has relation with the word beauty. That is all I know about it. I checked many words to fill in the word ending with‘I’. I thank Wordbyletter  for getting me that word. Check out for any type of words in this site. 

This poem is for participating in pleasantly-disturbed-thursdays blog carnival. Please visit and see other entries. Thanks :)


Duane Scott said...

Um, wow. Different style of poetry, but cool!

Nithin RS said...

Thanks for reading :)

S. Etole said...

That must have been a lot of work!

Nithin RS said...

Yeah, needed lot of editing to come up with this. Though got stuck with one word, i loved the challenge to come up with the finishing word.Thanks for reading.

Sandra Heska King said...

Way cool!

HisFireFly said...

Love the discipline of this new form!


Nithin RS said...

Glad that you liked this one.Thanks for visiting :)