This is anthology of poems of Nithin RS. This poetry blog has more than 400 poems ranging over two decades. I started writing poems in 1998. I wish to tell tiny tales through my poems. I welcome you to my poetry world :)
26 Mar 2022
An Old Pier
Late Comer
24 Mar 2022
Waves Of Depression
I am falling slowly into a dark burrow of Gem clipped thoughts on this sacred day When the temple will host devotional aura Mythology, and spiritual kindling tonight I will not be awake to experience that
I exude confidence and feel magnetic
Towards positive vibes and ultimatums
When I am high on medicines artificially
As if I humbled the valleys of depression
I feel I can face the stresses in an office
I am stumped by the flak of medicines
When I altered my path towards healing
First setback is bitter like radish mouth
A betrayal that hurts the woven dreams
Threatening the very desire to be sane
Emptiness will acquire a grip on the night Voices in my mind will surrender silently
I'll feel helpless, hopeless, and soulless
But I wish for courage twining my mind
To weather the storm down and survive
A poem based on word prompts from #2WordPrompt #vsslocation #vss365 #vssdaily #Better2sday #loveletters #moonmystic #crowcalls #atreyasverse
#BraveWrite. Image from Google.
Let's Meet At Hill Top
I'll Bring You A Song
I’ll bring you a song, my darling, when we meet again, On a misty morning in the valley, Where you
love to sing with the birds
I’ll bring you a song, my darling, when we feel again, On a
summer day in the beach, Where we met first surfing in the waves wobbling
I’ll bring you a song, my darling, when we hit again, On a spring
eve at the pub, Where we danced in
motions like high on cocaine
I’ll bring you a song, my darling, when we mate again, On a autumn
night in the motel, Where we spent our date in a drunken state
I’ll bring you a song, my darling, when we play again, On a winter
afternoon in the hill, Where we made snow man and woman
I’ll bring you a song, my darling, when you say goodbye, On
a rainy night in the highway, Where you love
to drive with the wind
A poem based on word prompt from #loveletters