5 Jun 2022

Love And Reality


I am no younger

I am closer to my forties 

The ladies of my age are married  

I do miss a good company of a lady

I wonder if I will fall in love ever again

The heartbreaks that shaped my present 

The loss of opportunities due to depression 

I wonder If I could trust another woman 

To bring hope and seal my healed heart 

Maybe, I am averse to taking a risk

Without sorting out my finances 

To not to be in a situation again 

Where I cannot afford the lady

Nor win over her family 

I wonder why I come across 

Nice ladies from far away places

I write poems about my crushes 

My heart is hardened to stop there 

I would leave my native someday 

Like I attempted five times in the last decade 

I don't wish to raise a kid given my mental health

I don't know If I will come across a woman 

Who will make me wish to build a home! 

The poem is inspired by the prompt  #Satsplat .  The image was taken by Travis Grossen

4 Jun 2022

Waking Up To The Sound Of Rain

 Waking up to the sound of rain 

On a rare dawn 

Brought disappointment of 

Missing out on the sunrise 

Which I crave to see a lot 

The breeze brought 

The fragrance of guava flowers

The teak leaves on neighbour's plot 

Flaunted happily with the breeze 

This is not monsoon yet 

Pre-monsoon showers 

Teasing about endless rains 

That could lash in the coming weeks

And the heavy winds from the sea 

I am lost in the thought of waterproofing 

As long summer showers have dampened 

Some of the walls in my home 

The sound of a small bird intrigued me 

It is trying to engage with its partner 

Sitting in a faraway tree 

It seems rain evaporated into the thin air

As sunshine is making its way back to the greens

Rain woke me earlier than usual. The prompt #FromOneLine generated a poetic seed. I wrote the thoughts evoked by it in this poem. Images from JD Nightbot and Relaxing Sounds Of Nature

3 Jun 2022

3-D Printed Homes

As the demand for social housing 
Shoots up in many countries
The waiting list of council homes
Increasing with each year 
The number of homeless people in 
The streets increasing significantly 
Even in the developed countries 
There is a need for faster construction 
Of homes that need to withstand 
The climate change effects 
Large 3-D printing machines can 
Build a floor of houses within days 
All sorts of complex structures are 
Built with 3-D printing technology 
3-D printed homes made with concrete,
Hempcrete, and other materials show 
Good thermal and insulation properties Make homes cooler inside in hot areas 
Cost savings are possible with no plastering, With lesser manual work 
Multiple homes can be constructed faster 
It can solve social housing issues 
If governments adopt this technology 
It is ideal for constructing small houses 
3-D printed homes could be a cheaper solution for social housing demands. Hempcrete based 3-D printing can be sustainable solution for none availability of sand. Basic structures printing only need human supervision and providing the material. It eliminates labour costs significantly. Avoiding plastering can also provide cost savings.  ASME and The Guardian

1 Jun 2022

Being Speechless

I went through 
Two weeks of horror 
Of being speechless
As my psychiatrist 
Misdiagnosed my 
sleep deprivation for 
a week as psychotic 
The drugs he prescribed 
Made me speech impaired 
It affected other organs too
I struggled to talk to anyone 
I feared if I could ever speak again
Even as the psychiatrist gave
Assurance of regaining voice 
As my friend enquired about 
The nature of the medicines 
And that it didn't improve 
The psychiatrist told me to stop using 
The medication in three days 
Slowly, I could talk again 
I was stuttering and 
Words were not clear
I had to tell repeatedly 
Loudly for others 
To understand what I meant 
An auto driver mistook me 
For a drunkard, and refused
To give me a ride to the market 
I had to convince him that 
It's the side effect of psychiatric drug 
I had to tell the same to everyone 
I interacted with in shops and in public 
Though it improved significantly
It wasn't the same and I needed recovery 
Thankfully my cousin took me to meet 
A new psychiatrist, who changed 
My medications to less potent ones 
And I was able to talk fluently again 

This poem is based on my real-life experience. I realized the importance of being able to speak to convey things to the people around me. Psychiatric/psychotic drugs can affect the functioning of different abilities and even organs of humans. The wrong diagnosis by the psychiatrist led to me being unable to speak properly for a couple of weeks. But those two weeks was the most challenging period of my life. Those drugs affected my sexual organ too. The psychiatrist told me about the side-effects of the drugs after my friend asked about them. There are side effects for even medicines given in mild dosages. My aim is to come out of the medication. The number of medicines and dosages has been reduced over the last three years. But still, a long way to go. I am under treatment for depression. The image was taken by Noah Buscher .

27 May 2022

Black Beauty

Black Beauty written 
With the image of a horse 
Reminded me of the book 
I learned in my school 
While I was in the salon 
I have been there before 
The new hairdresser
Looked familiar 
I initiated a conversation 
And I remembered 
A salon bearing the same name 
Near where I used to live earlier 
My father used to take me there 
For haircuts as a school kid 
Where I had my last haircut
In my twenties 
He told me that it's the same brand 
I asked about the other man 
He was soft-spoken and friendly 
But he lost his voice somehow 
I remember him showing me the 
Facilities in the salon after upgrading 
And inquiring about life 
Whenever I visited the salon 
That man was the uncle
Images from the past came to my mind 
There's always a special bond 
With the hairdressers 
The stories they tell while cutting hair
They remember individual hairstyle 
They're the local vocal classifieds 
I used to look for Black Beauty 
But their board was gone 
A few years ago
I found it again
A piece from my past 

It was nostalgic to find an old salon relocated. For years I thought that they shut the salon. It is more intriguing that I have been to their new salon multiple times. At that time the hairdresser was a migrant from another state and spoke Hindi. I didn't notice their brand name. This time I saw the name and the picture of black beauty. It brought back everything from memory. The hairdresser was also glad to know that I was an old customer at the old place.  The images were taken by Erik-Jan Leusink and Agustin Fernandez . Thanks to Unsplash.