16 Jun 2022

Air Quality

The weather app informs me 

That the air quality is good 

It made me wonder

When did the air become toxic here?

With a canopy of coconut trees around

With plenty of creepers and plants on the ground 

Wind lashing out from the ocean frequently 

Endless rains for weeks every year 

The air was always relatively safe 

But with the growth in the number of vehicles

Maybe, there is some change in air quality 

But I hope that the ocean and rain will keep

The air refreshed 

At least in this small city 

 I have seen the accumulation of black soil 

On the floors in some other cities 

I have felt the breathing of black soot and soil 

Where construction materials create dust 

As the cities grow vertically with high-rise buildings 

Also the millions of vehicles spitting greenhouse gases 

They are still safer than some megacities 

That requires air filters at home 

Electric vehicles alone won't improve air quality 

The industries need to reduce pollution drastically 

Else we will end up living in toxic gas chambers 

Susceptible to lung diseases and other illnesses 

This poem is inspired by the air-quality information I started receiving from an app on my laptop. I was surprised to receive the air quality information. As the air here is relatively cleaner compared to bigger cities. The images are taken by cleanairpartners and breathepa

13 Jun 2022

Runaway Wedding


I romanticized the runaway wedding 

Breaking away from the societal conventions 

I didn't want an arranged marriage 

And life with a total stranger 

With a decision on a partner taken 

With mere minutes of meeting and conversation

Nor I want to be bought by dowry 

But the girl I loved, chose to run away from me 

And not risk being ostracised by the family 

By marrying me, after six years of friendship 

I still see families avoiding their beloved kids

For marrying someone they loved 

Not talking, not meeting, and not giving properties 

Some families relent after seeing the smiles of 

Their grandkids, they welcome back their kids 

With the runaway weddings involving

Different caste, class, and religion

Many get killed for the honour of the family

More than love for their kids

They take pride in their societal status 

People might cite the failure of many love marriages 

But, I have seen arranged marriages that are hell

People remain stuck in abusive and unloved relation 

For the sake of kids or for the sake of family pride    

I wonder when will the society of my country 

Rise above the societal norms and accept love marriages 

I have come across couples who ran away and got married and led nice life. But my society and relatives are still not very evolved to accept love marriages. The ostracisation of the girl or guy for marrying someone out of caste, class or religion is still a reality. The honor killing of young guys and girls is also prevalent in my country. The image was snapped by Lorna

10 Jun 2022

Bridge of Words




of words 

Built between hearts 

Living continents apart 

A friendship of the digital age 

There is no voice or visual treats 

Like a good old pen-friendship 

Without the paper and pen 

The inboxes of social media 

With meaningful emojis' 

Conveying the emotions 

Without words at times 

Reading the creativity 

With a like or comment 

Without sharing the stories of life 

Without opening the hurts of past 

Yet good conversations evolve 

Over the beliefs and thoughts 

Poems and real-world issues 

Fifteen years of online friendships

Have evolved my mind into detachment 

And enjoy the moments with words 

Without expectations that plagued 

The growth of long-term friendships 


I feel that I have evolved in terms of online friendships from 2007. From Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, and many other social media platforms, I found different friends over the years. I am still in touch with some friends from Orkut. Others just faded away with time. Then I came across liberals on Facebook. I am coming across nice writers and poets on Twitter and Instagram.  The image is taken from gapatton

9 Jun 2022

A Reflection


Alongside a birthday greeting 

Someone left me some questions to reflect 

Reduction in dosage of depression medicines 

Stood out as the best thing that happened in a year 

I learned a part of the work that I struggled with for years  

I wish to be less dependent on medicines and join an office 

I hope to handle the market research reports on my own 

I do not have lofty ambitions to achieve in a year 

My depression dictates the success of my efforts

Writing poems again gives me a glimmer of hope

To follow my dreams with strength 

This poem is based on some questions given by a friend to reflect on the occasion of my birthday. It did make me realize that I have come a long way in the last year. My aims for the next year are simple. But it will depend on how I am able to tame my depression. The images are snapped by Kevin Noble and   Nikhita Singhal

8 Jun 2022

Murky Ending

You were pith and beautiful 

I was not a beast or a killer

You turned me into a villain 

In front of your loved ones 

I wish I had a lot of sugar to 

Coat my words to appease 

The fragile ego of your mind 

You insidiously sailed away 

Without delving Into the issues

You crafted and didn't address 

That halted all the wings of our 

Openness and mutual emotions 

You were in a hurry to close the 

The door of reconciliation forever 

To find pastures anew so early 

Leaving muddy tragedies for me

 These  prompts #2WordPrompt #Crowstales #Moonmystic #Bravewrite #FlexVSS #WIPwordsearch #Converstory #TrickyTues #BookishTues #vsspoem #vssdaily #vssmagic and #vssink on Twitter helped me in sculpting this poem. The picture is snapped by Brooke Cagle.